Nuxeo 10.10-HF21
By Nuxeo
Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date. Changes will take effects after restart.
Hotfix installation
Please make sure you consult the page Hotfix Installation Notes for any additional actions needed to complete the installation.
Main correction(s) provided
- Groups whose name contains a quote are correctly returned by the suggestion element.
- Multivalued result columns are correctly handled by Spreadsheet editor.
- The content view is refreshed when Spreadsheet editor is closed.
- Multi-valued complex property are correctly nullified by a REST call.
- Picture dimensions are set after the conversions.
- The global history correctly displays the events when multi-tenant addon is installed.
- ETag header is not sent for unavailable lazy renditions.
- Collection and favorites listing is refreshed when a document is added.
- Nuxeo handles possible duplicates creation in MongoDB.
- The Refresh button in the Workflow view re-renders the tasks.
- Last-Modified header is not set in the initial stored, lazy rendition "empty" response.
- Tags are kept when a document is trashed.
- nuxeoctl stops on failure with strict mode
New Feature(s)
- A new implementation for the encrypted (AES) blob provider is available.
- A new implementation of S3BlobProvider is available.
- Informative metadata are added to objects stored in S3 with new S3BlobProvider.
- New Retention addon
- Document fields have now a specific renderer in Spreadsheet editor.
- Elasticsearch scroller is usable with the Bulk Service.
JIRA release notes
LTS 2025 | LTS 2023 | LTS 2021 | LTS 2019 | LTS 2017 | |
1.0.0 |