Nuxeo 10.10-HF63
By Nuxeo
Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date. Changes will take effects after restart.
Hotfix installation
Please make sure you consult the page Hotfix Installation Notes for any additional actions needed to complete the installation.
Main correction(s) provided
- The header "nx-es-sync" is used by nuxeo-operation and nuxeo-resources elements.
- Filters are correctly reset when changing to Grid view.
- Plain text Note documents written with Markdown have a correct preview.
- A WARN message happening during the KV store GC is removed.
- The transaction timeout is avoided when mongodb maxtime is reached.
- ImagingComponent no longer converts picture outside current transaction, caller must handle transaction management explicitly. An option is available to fill picture views outside current transaction in DefaultPictureAdapter.
- REST API updates correctly multivalued Integer properties.
- Proxy of version are now indexed when version received a system update
- OAuth2 servlet better handles unexpected error
- CSV Export can now handle large metadata (over 1MB)
- ElasticSearchComponent#isReady method visibility is now public.
- An option is available on OperationContext to disable the transaction management in order to let this responsibility to the caller.
JIRA release notes
LTS 2025 | LTS 2023 | LTS 2021 | LTS 2019 | LTS 2017 | |
1.0.0 |