Nuxeo 10.10-HF67
By Nuxeo
Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date. Changes will take effects after restart.
Hotfix installation
Please make sure you consult the page Hotfix Installation Notes for any additional actions needed to complete the installation.
Main correction(s) provided
- We now reset es index before each TestAggregates's test execution
- Elasticsearch indexing is more robust by skipping the corrupted documents.
- A warn is logged if cache service not available when initializing User Manager on 10.10 and 2021. A requirement is added from 2023.
- Metadata rules with missing order value are taken into account
- Blank service names are forbidden for providers
JIRA release notes
LTS 2025 | LTS 2023 | LTS 2021 | LTS 2019 | LTS 2017 | |
1.0.0 |