Nuxeo 2021-HF50
By Nuxeo
Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date. Changes will take effects after restart.
Hotfix installation
Please make sure you consult the page Hotfix Installation Notes for any additional actions needed to complete the installation.
Main correction(s) provided
- Tmp files are now deleted when appropriate. Tmp containers will remain empty.
- Document Blob Garbage Collection always check for prefixed and unprefixed default provider blob keys.
- AWS java sdk upgraded to v1.12.650, ion-java-1.0.2.jar is no longer installed by amazon-s3-online-storage marketplace
- The "nuxeo.primitive.type.strict.validation" nuxeo.conf property allows to throw an error when decoding a string input as a number (integer, long, float, double).
- Scrolls with downstream records are not retried anymore.
- Nuxeo doesn't throw NPE on ACL without name anymore.
- A new "nuxeo.bulk.action.garbageCollectOrphanBlobs.sample.modulo" property to trace samples of blobs to remove
- You can now limit the number of blobs to be garbage collected on the Full GC Rest API
- Tune blob full GC to improve S3 scroll throughput
- Tune bulk actions to avoid long record processing
- You can select a minmal filter to reduce the number of metrics
- You can reduce the number of Datadog metrics by discarding empty timers
- Azure Direct Download links now works as well as the S3 one with subDirsDepth
- When a child document can not be removed, the reason is now log-warned.
JIRA release notes
LTS 2025 | LTS 2023 | LTS 2021 | LTS 2019 | LTS 2017 | |
1.0.0 |