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Nuxeo 5.6.0-HF08

By Nuxeo

Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date Changes will take effects after restart. Main corrections provided: * Fix relation author when a user creates a relation * Fix Delete action available for documents from sections * Fix saving an NXQL query with quotes in the Quick Search gadget * Fix tasks from previous route instance not to display in the Past tasks view * Fix lifecycle state when editing an approved document * Fix DocumentRouteInstancesRoot failure when first document found at the root is not a Domain * Fix error after a user approves a document which he usually can't access * Fix Social workspace login validation URL that redirects to an error message * Don't display workflow related documents in search results * Power users are now able to change the user's groups from the Edit tab * Fix NXQL failure on backslash at end of string * Fix hot reload of content views * Fix error when computing a virtual user and the group directory is not available * Document creation form sets focus on title for every browser * Fix ContentView predicate IN with integer list * Make ConnectionFactoryImpl init thread-safe * Fix ContextMenu initialization after Ajax refresh * Fix workflow cancellation * Fix incorrect lifecycle state after publishing * Fix emails encoding to UTF-8 for html mails sent with the SendMail operation Complete release note is available at: