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Nuxeo 5.6.0-HF20

By Nuxeo

Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date Changes will take effects after restart. Main corrections provided: * Fix deadlock + infinite loop on wss FilterBindingResolver under load * Fix filter by path list operation * Fix Groups rights audit to handle contributed permission * Fix workflow availability filter resolution: currently only the first twenty routes models are taken into account * Encapsulate WSS calls in a transaction * Fix launcher to reuse all template and user properties when checking database connection * Fix Automation batch execution crashes if the "X-NXVoidOperation" header is not sent and the result of the operation is a Blob * Allow configuring the number of JSF logical views * Provide a way to format date when using template rendering * SQL directories warn about unclosed sessions * Provide RTF files full text indexing * Avoid more unneeded filesystem copies on file import * Fix usage of "group:" prefix when specifying task assignees if the group name already contains the ":" character * Fix date validation Upgrade notes: * It's now possible to configure both variables from the nuxeo.conf file using parameters "nuxeo.jsf.numberOfViewsInSession" and "nuxeo.jsf.numberOfLogicalViews" (set to 4 by default) See NXP-11423 Complete release note is available at: