Nuxeo 9.10-HF01
By Nuxeo
Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date. Changes will take effects after restart.
Hotfix installation
Please make sure you consult the page Hotfix Installation Notes for any additional actions needed to complete the installation.
Main correction(s) provided
- The layout to display Picture metadata during creation has correct CSS styles
- The Audit adapter now uses the W3C pattern to format dates
- Tagging a document does not change the list of contributors
- The change summary returned by Drive operation is complete
- The download of files with non-ascii filename works in Safari
- The EL Fn.getNextId uses the default sequencer
- The error message is correctly handled in the D&D when an asset is selected
- Infinite loading on bulk import in WebUI is fixed
- The current document can be tested by the filters in the Result Selection Acrions slot
- Fulltext search in WebUI works
- The Format field is not required to create a Note
- ecm:versionVersionableId is indexed by Elasticsearch
- DeltaLong values are correctly serialized in JSON
- Digest authentication is fixed
- User groups are kept after a login with Shibboleth
- The options parameter is passed to events when following a transition
- The Picture Diff feature works now in IE11
- The results of NXQL search are lazily loaded
- D&D files are correctly shown in the dialog box
- 3D content is generated when importing 3D documents from a ZIP file
- List properties with a null element in the first position can be saved
- The content of an old version of a Note is correctly displayed
- The actions are correctly displayed in the popup used to set metadata on import
- All workflow and node variables are correctly resolved to be used in Automation chains
- The downloaded file name is sanitized to remove the jsessionid parameter
- Task life cycle states are translated
- The data entered in Cloud Services form are reset when cancelling the editing
- Consultation wrap-up in parallel workflow is visible
- Elasticsearch RestClient uses a bigger connection timeout
- The Lock icon tooltip is translated
- The + character is supported in file names
- The Attachments drop area is disabled without write permission
- The current folder is updated after a cop/move action from the clipboard
- The items in the conversion layout are correctly aligned
- The Drive edit popup has a Close button
- It is possible to open an unlimited number of search result fancyboxes without error
- The easyshare icon has been updated to make it more visible
- Uploading several pictures in a Note document works
- The contextual menu is displayed upon the title in a content view
- Configured quota are reflected on the page
- Multi-valued dates are correctly imported with the bulk importer
New Feature(s)
- X-Pack is used to replace Elasticsearch Shield
- New API to recompute quota for tenant or user
- New Automation operation to order a document
- JDK is added to CentOS & RHEL docker images
- S3 file cache has been improved
- An event is fired when a work fails
- The HSTS header is enabled by default when HTTPS is in use
- The Nuxeo Pub/Sub service can be configured to use Nuxeo Stream/Kafka instead of Redis
JIRA release notes
LTS 2025 | LTS 2023 | LTS 2021 | LTS 2019 | LTS 2017 | |
1.0.1 |