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Nuxeo DM

By Nuxeo

Nuxeo DM is a robust, extensible, global Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution available as Open Source Software (OSS). Nuxeo imagined, developed and is releasing Nuxeo DM, helped by a vibrant community of professional and individual contributors. Nuxeo DM is the ultimate ready to go collaborative document management application available on the market. Based on the popular open source ECM Nuxeo Platform, Nuxeo DM benefits from its flexibility, feature scope, scalability and IS integration capabilities. Nuxeo DM provides organizations with the application they need to enable their teams to work more efficiently either on a project-basis or on longer term business processes. Nuxeo DM brings them the ability to create, share, annotate, store and retrieve any types of documents in their usual desktop environment. Nuxeo DM main features (detailed features are listed on the Nuxeo website): Capture: With Nuxeo DM, you can create your documents using your day-to-day favorite tools (MS Office, Mail, etc.) or you can batch import your exiting documents (drag and drop, form and import, email capture). Share & Collaborate: Save time by finding the right information when you need it! Empower your co-workers to share, access, enrich and store high quality content in a single place. Nuxeo DM can manage all of your organization's documents and IP assets in a scalable and secured document repository. Create and enrich documents within collaborative workspaces, follow their validation process via customizable workflows, publish in one or any hierarchy you chose. Join our existing customers, take all the benefits from our collaborative open source content management solutions. Process & Review: Customize your documents life cycle, quickly adapt workflows to reflect internal procedures and to meet your legal compliancy requirements. Nuxeo DM can handle the way you work! Publish & Archive: Keep track of any and all changes that have happened within the document repository. Nuxeo DM allows you to publish the validated documents you have created to a larger audience, and the audit trail offers the legal compliance that your organization requires. Search & Find: With Nuxeo DM search features, you can easily find your documents through their content or their metadata. Save time: you can save and reuse your most frequent queries.