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Nuxeo Drive

By Nuxeo

Nuxeo Drive provides integration between the desktop environment and the Nuxeo repository: online editing, content transfer, content synchronization.


On the Nuxeo Platform web interface, a document contextual action on the workspaces and folders allows to mark them to synchronize. After you installed the Nuxeo Drive client on your computer and bound it to the same Nuxeo server, documents are saved on your computer so you can access them and work on them offline. And the next time you have an Internet connection, changes in your local folder are uploaded to the Nuxeo Platform. Changes on the server are also automatically downloaded to your computer. Nuxeo Drive also enables to edit synchronized documents locally from your computer, check the direct edit icon right next to the file link on a document view.


The Nuxeo Drive addon requires the installation of the corresponding Nuxeo package, as well as installation on the user's desktop of the Drive executable. It is compatible with Windows, Mac OS and Linux environments.


When starting Drive on the user's desktop, the Nuxeo Server address must be specified as well as credentials with which the Drive client will connect to the Nuxeo server.

Compatible Target Platforms
LTS 2023 LTS 2021 LTS 2019 LTS 2017
1.7.6 Yes