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Nuxeo digest linker

By nuxeo

This Nuxeo add-on is designed to verify the JSON structure of document create/update requests in Nuxeo, particularly focusing on the file:content block. It checks for the presence of a digest element, and if found, associates the corresponding existing binary from the default binary storage to the document.


Download package from the marketplace for manual installation

or install directly from the marketplace

shell bin/nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-digest-linker


The JSON below illustrates a sample usage of the addon. This addon allows the utilization of the binary's digest within a blob schema. It functions correctly as long as a binary with the specified digest is present in the default binary storage. By default, the addon does not generate an error if the binary is missing, but in such cases, it cannot calculate the file's length or generate its thumbnail. To use a different binary provider, include a providerId value in the structure below. If you want the system to throw an error when the digest refers to a non-existing blob, add the parameter "validate": "force".

{ "file:content": { "name": "random_text_2.pdf", "digest": "7081efb5c2db98769b4df99c66f0cd2f" } }

Compatible Target Platforms
LTS 2023 LTS 2021 LTS 2019 LTS 2017
2024.2.2908 Yes Yes
2024.1.2601 Yes Yes
2023.11.2207 Yes Yes
2023.11.2204 Yes Yes
2023.0.0-11-2204 Yes Yes
All Versions
Deprecated Target platforms Name Target platforms Range Target platforms Pattern Updated
2024.2.2908 - lts [2021.0,) - Mar 1, 2024, 3:20:52 PM
2024.1.2601 - lts [2021.0,) - Jan 26, 2024, 5:51:44 PM
2024.1.2601-SNAPSHOT - lts [2021.0,) - Jan 26, 2024, 3:40:44 PM
2023.11.2207 - lts [2021.0,) - Jan 26, 2024, 3:38:55 PM
2023.11.2204 - lts [2021.0,) - Nov 22, 2023, 5:14:35 PM
2023.0.0-11-2204 - lts [2021.0,) - Nov 22, 2023, 5:05:20 PM