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Nuxeo Labs Decimal GPS

By Hyland

This plug-in uses exiftool with the option -n to extract GPS metadata in decimal format. This makes it easier to deal with positive and negative direction, and easier to integrate with services like Google Maps.


The plugin includes a custom operation, Document.GetGPSData, that accepts params that correspond to the EXIF tags GPSLongitute, GPSLatitude, and GPSPosition (which is a composite tag).

The values of the parameters are XPATH fields of the input document that will get these values. For example, say input document has the gps (custom) schema with 3 fields, gps:DecimalLatitude, gps:DecimalLongitude and gps:DecimalPosition. Calling the operation:

. . .
input = Document.GetGPSData(
  input, {
    'latitudeField': 'gps:DecimalLatitude',
    'longitudeField': 'gps:DecimalLongitude',
    'positionField': 'gps:DecimalPosition'
Compatible Target Platforms
LTS 2023 LTS 2021 LTS 2019 LTS 2017
2023.0.0 Yes
2021.0.1 Yes
All Versions
Deprecated Target platforms Name Target platforms Range Target platforms Pattern Updated
2023.0.0 - - - lts-2023.* Jul 5, 2024, 10:18:03 PM
2021.0.1 - - - lts-2021.* Nov 3, 2022, 6:19:41 PM
2021.0.0-SNAPSHOT - - - lts-2021.* Jul 20, 2022, 5:19:18 AM