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Nuxeo Federation Framework

By Nuxeo

Nuxeo Federation Framework connector supports integration with 3rd party solutions for content federation, enabling users to search for and access content from multiple repositories.


Once installed and configured, users will be able to search or migrate data across multiple content repositories.


  • If you need to install your own Simflofy instance, you can follow the Simflofy installation steps from their documentation.

Note that Simflofy requires MongoDB 3.4.x as a database.


This addon comes with a Blob Provider that enables access from Nuxeo to any content that Simflofy knows how to federate. This blob provider is configurable with the following parameters:

  • nuxeo.simflofy.url: the Simflofy URL.
  • nuxeo.simflofy.username: the username that Nuxeo will use to access Simflofy.
  • nuxeo.simflofy.password: the password that Nuxeo will use to access Simflofy.
  • nuxeo.simflofy.createFromKey.users: the list of users that can create blobs in this blob provider (separated by commas).
Compatible Target Platforms
LTS 2025 LTS 2023 LTS 2021 LTS 2019 LTS 2017
1.0.1 Yes
1.0.0 Yes
All Versions
Deprecated Target platforms Name Target platforms Range Target platforms Pattern Updated
2021.0.0-SNAPSHOT - - - lts-2021.* Aug 25, 2021, 1:30:34 PM
11.0.0-SNAPSHOT - - - server-11.* Aug 25, 2021, 1:30:34 PM
1.1.0-SNAPSHOT - - - server-11.1-SNAPSHOT, server-11.1-SNAPSHOT-* Aug 25, 2021, 1:30:34 PM
1.0.2-SNAPSHOT - - - server-10.10-HF53-SNAPSHOT, server-10.10-HF53-SNAPSHOT-* Sep 21, 2021, 5:30:40 PM
1.0.1 - - - server-10.10, server-10.10-* Aug 25, 2021, 1:30:34 PM
1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - - - server-10.10-SNAPSHOT, server-10.10-SNAPSHOT-* Aug 25, 2021, 1:30:34 PM
1.0.0 - - - server-10.3, server-10.3-* Aug 25, 2021, 1:30:34 PM
1.0.0-SNAPSHOT - - - server-10.3-SNAPSHOT, server-10.3-SNAPSHOT-* Aug 25, 2021, 1:30:34 PM